Wednesday, August 4, 2010

still frustrated

I am so frustrated with our lil' love bugs mom right now. She still hasn't called or e-mailed me to let me know what she expects as far as visits or future contact go with our lil' love bug. I am sure i am expecting too much from her, i mean she obviously isn't mature and has problems raising her children. She hasn't changed that much in 2 years. Her caseworker keeps making excuses for her and thinks its no big deal that she doesn't return calls or follow through. She doesn't even return the caseworkers calls and the caseworker has to stop by the house and hope she finds her at home in order to check in and see how things are going. I understand that she doesn't have to call me, she doesn't have to let our lil' love bug visit us or have any kind of contact with us. I would be devastated if that is what she decided but i'd really like for her to call and let us know one way or the other. I am sick of waiting around for her to call me. The last time we talked to her she said she wanted the visits to continue and the caseworker talked to her a little over a week ago and she again said she wanted to continue with the visits. I just wish she'd call and set something up, even if it's a month down the road at least we'd have a date.


  1. I feel your frustration- I hope she calls soon so you can see your baby!

  2. they don't see that as a problem that she's not calling them back to schedule home visits? that doesn't sound right to me. we wouldn't get away with that-how can SHE? someone whose already proven their track record to be a bad one?
