Friday, September 23, 2011

what a week

I have had one of those weeks. One of those weeks where everything seems to be happening at once, where everything needs to be done right now, where i feel like i haven't had a chance to breathe. I am tired and not the 'i need more sleep tired' but more of a 'i wish i could just say no' kind of tired. It has been one of those kind of weeks. There are no sick days or vacation time for mommies! All you mommies know exactly what i mean. Please don't get me wrong, i love and cherish being a mommy and i wouldn't trade it for the world, it's just been that kind of week.
It hasn't even been that busy this week. I have had far busier weeks and days than this week, BELIEVE ME! I was just not equipped to handle it all this week. I hate to blame it on 'that time of the month' but it really is the culprit. I feel so tired and drained. Thanks to my husband i was able take a nap one day this week, and boy did i sleep. I slept hard and 3 hours later i still had a hard time waking up. I always have one day where i feel absolutely horrible, i'm talking flu-like symptoms. I have body aches (down to my fingers), feel nauseous, tired and just plain sick. I am so happy this week is week will be a better week :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

school love :)

My kids are all in school. I am so thankful and hope they will learn to love and enjoy school at a young age and that love will continue throughout their educational career!
I taught preschool for a couple years and worked in child care for about 10 years and I loved it. I could see how much children benefited from the time they spent with their peers, a loving caretaker and fun experiences that most would not get at home. I am so excited for my 3 younger ones to get the experience of a preschool setting. I attended headstart as a 4 year old and those are some of my earliest memories and they are all happy memories. I remember loving the time at school, my teacher (Lola), art and the play house/dress-up area! There are so many things the kids will get to experience that i just don't have the time or space to do here at home. I find myself getting caught up in cleaning and cooking and driving and grocery shopping and all the other everyday activities that i forget to sing songs and walk like a robot and play with macaroni and make fruit loop necklaces and jump like a frog and make 'goop' and fingerpaint and watercolor and glue with glitter and all those other messy and fun things that i just don't have the, let's be honest here, the PATIENCE to break out every day. I try to do it once in a while and maybe with the colder weather coming soon, we will have the time to break out more of that stuff. It is so hard to break out that cornstarch goop when you just finished cleaning the kitchen from breakfast. I am grateful that they are able to go to school and get these experiences in larger and more frequent doses.
I see the difference from preschool and kindergarten. It is such a big difference! There aren't the toys or the open space or the free time or the play time that gee had in preschool. There are such high expectations and i can already see gee being left behind. He doesn't have the focus yet and it is something we have to work on with him. He has extra homework and we need to try and get him caught up to the other kids in his class. We will do it, it's just going to take a lot of extra effort and some extra time with him. I am so excited that he will be able to read! yes, read! at the end of this school year. I am an avid reader and it is one of my greatest joys in life. I hope all my kids find a love for books. It is just so hard to imagine him learning so much in a school year and it amazes me to think of how much knowledge his lil' brain will be able to soak up and i just hope he doesn't get frustrated or discouraged. I want it to be fun!
I hope that the younger kids will get the foundation they will need to succeed in kindergarten. I am excited that they are attending preschool at the same school that they will attend kindergarten and beyond. The preschool teacher will know what the kindergarten teachers are expecting and their program is in sync with the whole school curriculum and philosophy. I am excited i was able to open enroll the kids in a better school than the school in our boundary. It is an excellent school. They have wonderful teachers, a strong parent involvement, high test scores and a wonderful philosophy. I love the school already and can't wait till i have the opportunity to volunteer more. I am hoping next year the kids will all have the same schedules and it will give me the chance to spend more time in their classrooms.
I always loved school and hope my kids will have the same love!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm back

I have had an incredibly busy summer and then school started and i just couldn't get back into blogging....but here i am.
A quick recap of my summer: my brother and his family came to visit. Love him. Love them. Miss them already :( We had a great time. My niece and nephew spent 2 weeks with us - I WAS BUSY! zoo, mountains, family reunion, camping, casa bonita, drive in movies, gee and turtle were in t-ball, my brother was on iron chef america and we spent the last half of the summer at the pool. That was our summer in a nutshell. It was a wonderful summer!
So our lil' love bug was with her mom the last time i blogged, she was scheduled to come back in august. Well, biomom's sister called (on behalf of biomom) the second week of july and wanted us to come get her...ASAP. So we went and got her the next day from grand junction. She has been with us since. Biomom has signed a power of attorney. She still has all her rights and the only thing it does is give us the ability to make decisions about health care, school, etc., biomom can revoke this at any time. I think we are safe for the school year. We will see.....
All 4 of my kids are in school. All at the same school. Yeah! I was so worried I would be travelling to 3 different schools. I still have 3 different schedules but I at least only have to deal with one school. I am not looking forward to when brian goes back to work and winter weather starts! It is going to be rough carting everyone back and forth. But they all LOVE school! I really don't have much of a break, the schedules are all so different that i have at least 1 kid with me at any time so it is hard to get some quiet time to blog.
I miss blogging so i hope i can get back into this :)