Sunday, August 8, 2010

some personality

So we had a great visit with the boys. We started out at mcdonalds on saturday and then we went to the mall. The youngest one had a hard time saying goodbye and cried for on and off for about 10 minutes after the foster mom left. He calmed down once we decided to leave mcdonalds and we walked over to the mall. The caseworker and foster mom decided that the youngest is only going to stay for 2 hours at the visits because he had such a hard time at home after the last visit. She claims he is clinging to her more than usual, crying and refuses to go to children's church now. The visit went great, anyway. It is great to see their personalities coming out and we will definitely have our hands full with these 3 boys! The oldest is all about getting attention. If his brothers are getting attention doing something, well then he is going to do the same thing! He is all about his brothers too. He likes to have them near him and playing with him. He requires a lot of communication and likes a lot of praise. The middle boy is very funny! He doesn't have many words and needs some serious speech therapy. He can get his point across really well though. He makes silly faces, silly noises and likes to see us laugh. He likes to be on stage and he likes us to laugh at what he's doing.He is very kind and has a big heart. We haven't spent a lot of time with the youngest but his personality is coming out as well. He likes to make us laugh also but he is more of a jokester. He likes to tease and make us laugh by interacting with us. He is adorable. They are all 3 super cute and we had a great time with them. Today we spent our time at a park. It was fun but I think all of us were a little tired. It is hard to spend that much time at one place. I have a lot more to say but will save some for tomorrow. I am tired tonight and just want to go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. wow. interesting. thanks for posting. i'm sure you're exhausted!!! wondering if foster mom is grasping at straws to keep the youngest and let the older two go.
