Tuesday, April 26, 2011

i'm not insane, i just have 4 kids

'The way I see it, if you have four kids, you don't really have to do anything else, ever. Three kids is a handful, but one that many people manage to hold. If you're a mother of four, you definitely don't have to have a career or volunteer for the school fund-raiser or even bring an appetizer to the dinner party. In fact, people give you a lot of credit for wearing both earrings and knowing how to spell chaos and antidepressant. Four kids gives you a pass for every forgotten birthday, overlooked appointment, and missing form. Plus, you can be late for everything the rest of your life and never return phone calls. Who's gonna blame you? It's like having nonthreatening cancer, forever.'

excerpt from 'The Middle Place' by Kelly Corrigan

This is how i feel this week. I have 2 to 3 appointments every day this week. I am so incredibly busy and every time i show up at an appointment i am missing a form, a kid is throwing a fit or i am rushing in the door just in the nick of time. Everyone just smiles and gives me a look like they are surprised that i am speaking in complete sentences and impressed with my ability to dress myself! I am a perfectionist and i hate being late and i hate missing forms. It drives me crazy but i could definitely get used to using the 'i have 4 kids excuse'. I am learning to manage my time and i hope i will learn how to organize all the forms but until then, i will happily accept the busy mom excuse!


  1. oooooh lisa. laughed so hard i have tears in my eyes from this post. if i hadn't already juggled four for a VERY short time i would not be able to laugh as hard. soooooo true, each and every statement. and sad thing is-i am hoping since i have half the kid number i'm wondering if i can get away with half the forgetfulness!!!

  2. Very funny post- you don't always have to be perfect- it is ok. I have learned as the kids have gotten older to let go a little and ask for help. I can't be at every game- when they all have different games at different places, different cities, and the same time! I do the best I can and if someone doesn't like it- screw them. :)
