Thursday, December 30, 2010

a state of chaos

I can't believe we are going through this with our lovebug's mom again.....a year later. Mom seems very confused and torn about what she wants to do. It is getting much to hard for our lovebug. She is angry, confused, sad and is in desperate need of some stability.
Brian and i are giving her a couple of weeks and then we are going to make the decision for her. We are waiting for the caseworkers to get back from vacation, tried calling both of the ones involved during the case and they are both on vaca till next week. I am sure the case is still open but i am not positive, i want their insight and i want to make sure they know what is going on and that mom is having second thoughts once again. We also want to give mom a chance to work through her feelings, i believe she is close to making a decision and i honestly don't know what she wants to do. If she cannot make a decision then brian and i will have to decide and the only decision we can make is to end visits with our lovebug.
Our lovebug is just having such a hard time going back and forth between the two homes. She is in a state of chaos right now and it makes my heart break to see her like this. She is not the same little girl. She hits, throws fits, refuses affection and cries a lot. I can't imagine how torn up she is inside and how confused she is feeling.
She wants to be with us. She says this everytime. She cries when she goes home, like sobbing, deep in her heart crying. She tells me she wants to live with us 'all the time'. I hope her mom can see beyond her own feelings and do the right thing for our lovebug. I hope she can see how happy our lovebug is with us. I hope she will let her stay with us. If not, then the only other option is to stop our visits and let our lovebug settle into her life with her mom, whether or not that is what she really needs or wants.
The next couple of weeks will be rough.

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