Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thy will be done

scared to tell anyone about our lovebug possibly coming home to us. I have posted it here on my blog (not sure many people read this)and i have told my mom. i just know that we have been here before, and it didn't work out the last time. she told us the same thing this last may. she wants her to be happy, she wouldn't want her with anyone else but us. we have just texted back and forth. i think it is easier for her to express herself through texts. she is not a face to face, conversation type person. we decided that our lovebug would start staying the week with us on the tuesday after christmas. i will see her on saturday and i am hoping we can have a conversation about how this is going to work, what she is expecting, what this all really means?????

i just keep waiting for the call/text telling me that she has changed her mind :(

i am having a hard time sleeping, i am nervous and i am eating everything in sight. to say the least, i am a little stressed. not that the holidays aren't stressful enough.

i just pray with all my heart, all my soul and with all that is me that our lovebug will come home to us. i pray her mom will love her enough to let her go, to allow her to be happy. i pray she will trust me and brian. i pray she has the strength and support to make this decision and be happy with it and just. let. it. happen.


  1. I have a good feeling- but try to just enjoy it for what it is and not read too much into it- guard your heart and just enjoy the time you can spend together and keep your fingers crossed.

  2. wow. oh my gosh. I'M still trying to soak this all in. i can't IMAGINE how you are doing right now. hang in there. one day at a time. and all those cliche sayings are going out right now!!! holy cow.
