Wednesday, May 18, 2011

mars vs. venus? well, not really but something like it

I love the differences between boys and girls! It is amazing to watch them and see how their minds work.
I brought home TONS of clothes this weekend from the consignment sale. Super cute summer clothes for all 4 kids. I walked in the door and they were all super excited. Are those for us? Oh, thank-you mommy. I am so happy. The boys looked at them for a minute or so and then headed back upstairs, loving the fact that i bought them clothes and knowing that i care enough to bring them home something. Lovebug spent over 30 minutes looking at each piece of clothing exclaiming 'i love this', 'how cute!', 'oh mommy, this is beautiful'. She squealed, exclaimed, ooh'd and aah'd over every piece of clothing and proceeded to plan out her outfit for the next day. My, my, my, i am going to be in trouble!
I go to bingo every sunday evening with my mom. The kids know this every week and yet my two clingy boys (gee and banana) cry EVERY time. They are fine when i leave. They give me kisses, hugs and say bye. Then about an hour or so later they both start crying because they miss me! They are so funny and it is just like a boy to be all brave when saying goodbye and then crying later when they just can't keep it in any longer. On the other hand, lovebug clings, whines and doesn't want me to leave but as soon as i'm gone - she's just fine! It's her way of letting me know she doesn't want me to leave and also making me feel bad for leaving her. She's making a statement!
My boys have definite opinions but boy, oh boy lovebug rules the roost! She likes to boss them around - AND THEY LISTEN! She chooses who gets to sit next to her during mealtime. She chooses who gets to play in her room. She lets them know exactly what she is thinking and what she wants. Oh my!
My boys love, love, love hugs and kisses and being held and all the affection. They could sit forever with me. They crave that affection and they are so loving. They are so sweet and they just want to be loved and to FEEL the love. Lovebug loves hugs and kisses too but only when she wants them. She knows we love her and she definitely doesn't require the reassurance. She likes to be up and moving and it is a special treat for me when she will sit and let me hug and snuggle her.
In an ideal world, my boys would love for me to do everything for them. I would dress them. I would make their beds. I would clean their rooms, brush their teeth, wipe their booty and feed them if i'd just get on board with their idea of utopia! Lovebug's ideal world would be a place where she could do it ALL herself! She's ready to cook, clean and rule the world. She wants to do it herself because then it would be done the way she wants it done. (so much like me!)haha!
Oh, how i love the differences between my boys and my girl. They keep me laughing and shaking my head in disbelief! I am so grateful for the opportunity to mother all 4 of these children and to experience the world through their eyes.

1 comment:

  1. OH they are SO FUNNY!!! loved this post. love that love bug bosses the "AND THEY LISTEN"!!! Bwhahahahahhahaa
