Wednesday, May 11, 2011

i get my snuggles when i can

My little lovebug is not feeling good today. She woke up and all she wanted to do was sit in my lap and then we had a moment when i thought she was going to get sick. At that point i decided i was not going to take the boys to school and we were all going to just stay home. If you've ever had a child get sick in your car while your driving you understand. It is the worst. Not being able to pull over fast enough, not being able to hold them, help them and then having to get them out of their carseat! I was not going to risk it. We stayed home and lovebug spent her day watching movies on the couch, a testament to how bad she was feeling. And when she is sick she also loves to cuddle and snuggle and let me hold her and she wants to be right by my side and she lets me love on her. So as much as i hate her being sick and not feeling good there is this very small part of me that cherishes and enjoys the snuggle time.(okay, so maybe not VERY small!) that really as bad as it sounds?

1 comment:

  1. LOL- I understand you gotta get love when you can. I have always called Taya "Moo" from the day she was born and yesterday she informed me that I can call her Tay Tay and that is it- why do they have to grow up?

    What is going on with her Mom?

    Hope she feels better and no one else gets sick.
