Monday, January 10, 2011


We finally talked to our lovebug's caseworker last week. She was on vacation right before christmas and didn't come back till wednesday of last week, right in the middle of everything going on with our lovebug. We told her that our lovebug's mom seemed to be struggling with making a decision again, that she said we need to spend more time with our lovebug or none at all and that she was encouraging us to take our lovebug more and more. We let her know that our lovebug needs some stability and we know she is having an incredibly hard time going back and forth. We let her know that our lovebug wants to be at our house, squeals with excitement when we show up at her house (so loud we can hear her as soon as we get out of our van) and cries, kicks and refuses to go home to her mom when we take her back home. The 'nanny' does EVERYTHING in the home and EVERYTHING for our lovebug. It is disturbing to me and brian. We told the caseworker we have been trying to talk to the mom for a couple weeks now and she is just avoiding us now. We told her that a set schedule needs to be set, our lovebug is having a hard time. She can't keep going back and forth and not know when or if she is going to see us again. It needs to be a set schedule and i can't seem to get her (the mom) to understand how important this is! and now the mom is avoiding the caseworker. We are hoping she will see her today and we can get some answers.


  1. Poor Lovebug- I hope she gets some peace soon- don't these birth parents just make you want to pull your hair out?

  2. oh. i'm glad something will be pressed for a decision for lovebug's sake.
