Monday, February 6, 2012


It was kaden's birthday last week. He is 6 years old. Yes! SIX! He is getting so big and he is so incredibly smart. It is incredible to see how much he has grown in a year. We celebrated at home, with our family. We try to make the day special but we are not planning big parties every year.
He chose cupcakes instead of cake, he says it takes too long to cut the cake! lol, that kid cracks me up. He sure does love his food. Brian made him breakfast waffles, this has become a tradition in our house. Kaden got to choose his meal and he decided he wanted pizza. It was a nice birthday, stretched over 2 days. He loved every second of it, all the attention and celebration focused on him. 
We had conferences for all the kids last week and i was just so incredibly pleased to hear how well kaden is doing and how far he has come. At the beginning of the year, the teacher wasn't sure he would catch up in time to move on to the first grade but it looks like he is right on track now. I have to tell you that brian and i work with kaden and we spend time on homework and we practice letter sounds and reading and all that stuff but kaden has done a lot of this through plain ol' determination. He has a never quit attitude and he will try and try and try. I am just so proud of him. He surprises me every week we sit down to do his homework, he has learned something new every single time. I just can't say enough how proud i am of that kid!
He had a project due last week and he did such an amazing job. He had to explain his shelter by answering questions about what his shelter was used for, made out of, who would live in it; etc. He had to build a shelter that depicted what he had explained. This was a student driven project with minimal help from the parents. He did it, and he did it all by himself. I was so proud of him and i could see his pride in his work. They had a shelter 'museum' and we were able to go to his classroom where they displayed their shelters and we could ask questions and the kids explained their projects. (you could tell who had 'minimal' parent help and who didn't!)
What a big week for kaden! Happy Birthday big guy :)

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