I have been truly blessed with many wonderful friends and family. It is hard for most people to understand how financially straining it is to foster children. It is not something that people go into to make money. We have been very lucky these last two weeks that so many people have been so kind and giving with their time, money and concerns.
My mom has helped us immensely! We could not have made all these trips back and forth to grand junction without her help. We would not have these boys if she had not let us use her car every weekend and helped us financially. She has been AMAZING!
My brother scot watched the boys for us on the day brian had his surgery and i am so thankful he was able and willing to help us out. It was wonderful that i was able to be there for brian the day of his surgery. It would have been awfully stressful and hard to take care of him if i didn't have my brother here to watch the boys.
My friend loretta and her husband steve have spent their time and money buying clothes for the boys, i am so thankful! The foster mom sent the worst clothes and i am sure she did not send all their clothes either. It is something they desperately need. My friend lives in south dakota and hasn't even met the boys but her and her husband have been so kind and giving and can't wait to get our packages in the mail!
My sister has given me clothes for the boys and i am so thankful for her going through her clothes and taking the time to send me what we can use.
Brian's brother mike and his wife carolyn let us use their pacifica for a few weeks and luckily we had it the last time we went to grand junction so we could bring home the boys and all their stuff! They also put two new tires on our car ~ how wonderful is that! I have not had to buy diapers or wipes yet because carolyn gave us a box! It has helped so much.
A total stranger to us gave us a gift card to target! My mom had a co-worker ask her if we had the boys (i'm sure my mom has shared our story with many of her co-workers!lol) she said yes and he gave her the card "hope this helps a little". WOW! I am humbled.
I am so thankful, i cannot say this enough! We will receive a monthly stipend for each child from the state, it helps but it is not enough to make doing foster care a money maker career!lol We also have not received a single cent so far and probably won't till the middle of October or later. That is why all this help is so wonderful and is truly appreciated.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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isn't it amazing who comes forward and how much people help?! that's awesome. and your family has been awesome to you guys. you are very lucky to have each and every one of them surround you the way they do.