Wednesday, September 15, 2010

no transition?

We were concerned that mesa county may not do a transition if the judge decides to send the boys with us. We received a call asking if we would be ready for the boys this weekend and as i said in my last post - we are scrambling to make sure we at least have beds for them. It will all work out. At least that's what everyone keeps telling me. I am such a perfectionist and love to have things in place. I hate it when people tell me to calm down and it will all work out. (drives me seriously crazy!) I am an organizer and like everything to have it's place and i don't like to be last minute planning, hoping it will all come together! So anyway, back to the transition. I was upset thinking mesa county was doing it again,(or not doing it, their job that is) but after talking to the caseworker i can understand the need to just move the boys if that is what the judge decides to do. The foster mom has already been uncooperative, rude and a hindrance to the whole process so far. (in general a BIG pain in my ass!)They are afraid that she will just make a transition worse and harder for the boys and she won't be able to handle it. A grown-ass woman! I tell you what, this lady is a piece of work and i bet mesa county is sorry they ever approved her home for foster care! So the caseworker and therapist think that a transition is not a good idea and they will probably move the boys to our house with no transition. They all said that this is not ideal, that a transition is usually the best thing. It is going to be hard on the boys to move with not much warning but unfortunately the foster mom has left them with no other choice. So depending on how court goes on friday, we may be coming home with 3 boys!

Still looking for bunk beds!

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