Thursday, April 7, 2011

we need prayers and a miracle

I am losing it! on the inside! my nerves are on edge! I can't sit still! I need answers! My mind is racing!

Lovebug's mom is being released tomorrow. She is supposed to be calling me and letting us know what the plan is......

Prayers! Prayers! Prayers!

I pray she will let our lovebug stay with us, let us raise her. I pray she will see how much lovebug just FITS into our family and let her stay with us. I pray she sees lovebug's desire to live with us and her need for a stable home. I pray she can use all that love she has for lovebug to give her the strength to do the best thing for lovebug.

I believe in miracles!


  1. Hope is eternal. Praying for you and Lovebug!

  2. tomorrow now??! i thought it was today!
    still praying hard my friend. HANG IN THERE!!!

  3. Our prayers are with you and LOVEBUG! Did not know you had a Blog. Be Blessed, Karen4-9-11
