Monday, October 25, 2010

i'm typing, i'm editing, i'm spell checking, i'm posting.........

The oldest, gee is a talker! I cannot tell you how much this boy talks! It's no wonder the other two don't talk, they can't get a word It is funny and interesting at first but it has seriously started to wear on my nerves.
I will use a trip to the bathroom as an example: 'Lisa, i need to go potty' (okay) 'i'm going to go potty and shut the door' (okay) 'Lisa, i went potty' (okay) 'I dried my hands' (okay) 'I shut the door' (okay) This wouldn't be so bad but it is EVERY single time he uses the restroom and he must have a response after EVERY sentence or he repeats the sentence until i respond. And it is not only potty time. He is the slowest eater because he does the same thing throughout the meal.
He asks what every thing is every time he takes a bite and he must have a response or once again he repeats the question till he gets an answer.
I have learned a new trick. I just repeat everything he says back to him in the form of a question. Most of the questions he asks, he already knows the answer and most of his statements are just some form of commentary. This makes him answer his own question, he gets a response from me and it makes it much easier for me to handle! It's wonderful:)
I am not sure why this is so much easier for me or why it seems to have cut down on the questions and statements but it has and that makes me happy and not only does it make me happy but it satisfies gee's need for attention!

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